My portraits thrive on boldness and oddity. I aim to make daily extravagance more familiar by visually reviving the spirit of the 70s and 80s. Breaking away from the mainstream culture, I drive inspiration from the punk scene and surreal cinema. Growing up in Berlin profoundly shaped my work, guided by the raw essence of West Berlin’s avant-garde, a hotbed of experimentation.
Through portraying bizarre looking people, I want to normalize the idea of strangeness, which everyone carries in a certain way, visually or internally. My imaginary characters mirror the revelations of human nature. The strange is among us, meaning that everyone is in a certain way a “freak”.
The analogue medium helps me to achieve a vintage everlasting quality, in awe of the fundamentals of photography. Working with 35 mm film, I focus on handmade post-production in the darkroom and beyond. Texture is crucial, enhancing the retro vibe and tactile feel of my images.
Zentrale Space 2023Berlin Photoweek 2022AftersSchoolFloor TM at OXI Club 2022Engtanz x Filmfest München at P1 Club 2022